Urban environments, particularly new developments, can be harsh places for new trees to establish, with many new trees failing altogether or never achieving their potential. Species selection is critical, particularly with the effects of a changing climate. A common cause of failure is insufficient rooting volume below hard surfaces. We can work with architects, landscape architects, engineers etc. to ensure this is considered early in the design phase so that trees planted will truly enhance a new development, rather than becoming the moribund feature of so many urban areas.

The ever-increasing number of pathogens affecting our trees, and the impacts of climate change, means that a more diverse species selection should be considered and our extensive knowledge of trees allows us to specify trees which are fit for purpose and help ensure a sustainable and climate resilient treescape.

We follow the recommendations laid out in British Standard BS 8545:2014, Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape, and work in conjunction with companies such as GreenBlue Urban and Deeproot, to provide solutions to planting in the harshest of conditions. Insufficient soil volume is a major reason for tree failure, and the use of carefully designed soil support systems can ensure sustainable tree cover. Sometimes these systems can be incorporated into sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and green infrastructure when considered early in a design scheme.